A blog to help you discover who God created you to be.

5 Tools to Heal from Trauma

Trauma hits us like a freight train in the night. It leaves us in darkness and we are left to deal with the emptiness, loneliness and pain. However, our power lies in our reaction to it. We can choose to give up and remain stuck in the darkness or we can choose to grieve and take a step toward the door to find the light. We can then take steps to move on with our lives, resulting in healing and freedom. Although, that can be very difficult when we are left in confusion and feel trapped in the darkness. I’m here to help you navigate the process into your healing. Let’s talk about a few tools you can use to help you in your process of overcoming trauma.

What is Trauma?

Trauma is not the actual event or experience that occurred but it is your body and mind’s response to it. If you are having nightmares, experiencing increased anxiety and/or depression, or your mind is on repeat of the event, then you may have endured a trauma. And trauma affects the brain and body so it is imperative to help yourself heal from it.

Tools to Heal from Trauma

ASK for Support from Others

Trauma isolates us and we need friends and family to help us heal. However, knowing who to rely on for help is really important. Some people are not helpful while others are. Choose those that will not be a stressor for you but will add benefit to your life.  You may not have helpful people in your life so that may come from a support group, therapist, or a coworker. Support is crucial in helping you not feel so alone.

MOVE your Body

Exercise is better than any antidepressant and can do wonders for your mental health. When we’ve experienced a trauma, exercise can aid in the healing process.

FEEL your Feelings

Allow yourself to sit with your feelings instead of avoiding them. Remember that feelings are not right or wrong, good or bad. Feelings are simply feelings so give yourself permission to feel them. Oftentimes we are taught that feeling our feelings is weak or bad. Begin to rewrite that narrative for yourself and begin healing.


Self care is crucial and helps with healing. Self care is not selfish but rather compassionate towards yourself. Remember you need to put on your oxygen mask first so that you can help others near to you. If you don’t have oxygen yourself then neither will survive. Take care of you and your needs so that you can heal and grow, which will positively affect your relationships. Make sure to grab your self care ideas document at the end of this article.

IMPLEMENT Daily Meditation

It’s proven that meditation can reduce stress. This can look like taking some deep breaths, spending time with God (Higher Power), or stopping to refocus on the present moment.

I encourage you to put these tools into practice and begin your healing journey today. Grab my journal, Self Care for the Soul, on Amazon and take daily steps to your healing.

Click on the link below to receive your free Self-Care Ideas Tool.

Self Care Ideas

Leave a comment and let me know how these work for you!

Until next time,


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