A blog to help you discover who God created you to be.


Welcome to Love and Healing Community

Thank you for stopping by and I pray the time you spend here leaves you feeling refreshed and encouraged. I am Kristen Keene, the author of the blog, and developer of the community. I am a licensed professional counselor with a passion to help others triumph over adversities. I created Love and Healing Community for those who have experienced trauma, abuse or any of life difficulties. 
I have lived through many traumatic experiences during my lifetime. I have learned how to heal and grow so that now I can help others do the same. I am thrilled to share my tips and strategies to becoming healed and whole with you.
It is my mission to support others in their journey to grow and heal from trauma and abuse. As an experienced Licensed Professional Counselor, EMDR Therapist, and Certified Life Coach it is my honor to be a small part of your journey into clarity, healing and wholeness.
I know what it’s like to be in a dark place and not have support or the resources to pull yourself up out of that horrendous place. But God!! God has been with me through my darkest days and I’ve been through a healing process so now I want to share that process with you. As a trauma survivor, I will empower you to know who you are in Christ so you can learn how to overcome the hurt and suffering caused by painful memories and circumstances too. I will share with you tips, strategies, and my own experiences to help move you forward. I hope you enjoy my blog as you learn and grow. If you have any questions, please contact me here.

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What’s included: Feelings wheel, Feelings list chart, Body sensations list, Coping


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