A blog to help you discover who God created you to be.

How to Achieve Inner Peace

Finding inner peace can be very difficult to achieve in today’s world.  We are so busy with work, technology, social media, family, or simply the daily demands of life that we lose our peace or we may not have ever had it to begin with.  Compound that with unresolved grief and hurt, and that’s a recipe for depression and anxiety.  Let’s discuss different ways you can find inner peace through it all.

Having an Inner Peace Plan

Create a plan for reaching inner peace. You must decide to be proactive and take action steps daily. If you allow pessimistic thoughts and listen to them, you may not get very far in your endeaver to have inner peace.  However, try to calm the inner critic by realizing that part of yourself is simply trying to protect you, but you can choose to have a good attitude and decide to be intentional on daily steps to peace. Try to rewrite the narrative you tell yourself, and know that you can achieve inner peace!  You got this!!

Take a Mental Health Day

Give yourself a chance to recharge.  You may not can take a full day but at least take a few moments out of your day to be refreshed. During this time, just be still.  Maybe sit on the couch and read, meditate, journal or even nap.  Give your body rest.

Be Aware of Emotions

By being aware of your emotions, you can acknowledge them, feel them and then be done with them.  If you are constantly pushing them down or not acknowledging them, then they have no where to go and can get trapped in your body.  This can cause physical and mental illness including depression and anxiety.  If you want peace, then it’s important to process your feelings.


Meditation has been proven to reduce stress and improve mental health.  Meditation gives you, what I call a “brain break.”  It allows your brain to rest from all the demands of life.  It’s a time out from life and adulting!

There are different ways in which to meditate.  You can use guided meditations through YouTube or apps such as Calm or Headspace.  I recommend Abide app that provides biblical meditations for helping with sleep and rest.  I also recommend meditating on scripture by re-reading of a scripture with God, praying on it and asking Him to help you interpret it.  One of my favorite scriptures is Ephesians 6:10-19.  Check out the video below for prayer and meditation.


Practice Self-Love

Self-love is the practice of caring for and about yourself.  Check out my article, “Journey to Self Love” for more tips on self-love. Also, you can use positive affirmations to help re-train your brain to more accurate, healthy beliefs for rewriting the narrative you tell yourself about who you are.  This will help build your inner peace.

Learn Radical Acceptance

Radical acceptance means accepting reality as it is, without judgement.  It does not mean that you have to like the reality, but you accept it.  Taking on the mantra of “it is what it is” can be helpful.  You can read more about radical acceptance here.

Ask for Help

Asking for help to sort out emotions and thoughts can be helpful.  Talk to a trusted family member or friend about life stressors.  Also, it may be time to talk to a mental health professional if you struggle daily with depression and anxiety or other mental health struggles.

Lastly, inner peace is a great goal to have and one that is completely achievable.  It does take hard work and time to look within but you can do this!

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