A blog to help you discover who God created you to be.

Who Am I Created to Be?

Trauma, and specifically childhood trauma, can cause you to lose sight of who you are created to be… to lose sight of your true authentic self. Trauma blurs your perception of yourself.  It makes you question your own judgement of situations, people & even behaviors because when you did trust your judgement, that proved to be traumatic for you; your safety was taken away.

Out of your pain and turmoil, you learned lies such as, “I am bad, I am worthless, I am unimportant, It’s my fault (no matter what), I am a loser.” Some examples that can leave these beliefs within the core of your being are when your parent’s divorced, or maybe your parent’s argued frequently, or you had an absent parent, you may have been rejected by friends or family members, or childhood classmates may have laughed or teased you.  Sadly, all these lies and events taught you that you are a nobody.  To be clear, I am not saying your parents were bad people.  They were simply human beings, living in this world, trapped under their own lies & beliefs.

But, there is good news!  You are NOT a nobody. You ARE a SOMEBODY!!! As Romans 9:25 says, “Hosea put it well: I’ll call nobodies and make them somebodies; I’ll call the unloved and make them beloved.”  The world does not want you to understand this Truth because the world teaches you who you are based on their standards and brokenness.  Yet as adults, we may continue to believe the lies because they become our truth based on childhood life circumstances.

Our younger inner child continues to believe the web of deceit, and thus we can’t walk in our true authenticity.  We can not walk in who we truly are when we are trapped in the lies we learned about ourselves.  It’s time to heal your younger inner child (If you are saying, huh?  What’s my inner child? Then check out my post here).  It’s time to walk in your true identity and who you were created to be.  The time is now and I totally believe in you to roll up your sleeves, do the hard work, heal your younger self and be a new person!  Now, this doesn’t mean all your problems will go away, but what it does mean is that your reaction to people and situations will be different because you are different.  I challenge you to get started in your healing journey today.  Below are some tips that can help you.


Your inner child has always been there and she may feel abandoned, so set some time aside to spend with her.  Start by visualizing yourself at a younger age.  It can help to let your mind float back from your earliest memories of when you first began to feel emotional pain.  A great technique to help you really get in touch with that part of yourself is to draw your inner child or locate a younger picture of yourself.  Then once you are able to visualize your younger inner self, just talk to her as you would a young child that may not know you.  You are all grown up so you may be a stranger to that part of yourself.


It may seem like you really do not have any extra time to spend with your younger self, but that is simply reinforcing the belief that you are not important or worth spending time with.  Take just a few moments every day to spend visualizing your younger self and speaking life over yourself.  Speak scripture or affirmations to your younger part while noticing how that part feels hearing the truth.  Let her know who she truly is.  Also, you may want to listen to this great guided meditation that can help you speak truth to your younger self.


Therapy can be very valuable and helps to create a safe place for you to heal your inner child and change the narrative you are telling yourself.  Through working to heal the inner child, you will begin to grow and be a healthy adult that walks in your true authenticity.  You deserve that!

An additional resource that can help with nurturing your inner child is journaling.  Check out my 30 Day Self-Love Journal.



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